The Chess Saga of Fridrik Ólafsson nominert til årets sjakkbok 2021
Øystein Brekkes bok The Chess Saga of Fridrik Ólafsson er en av fire sjakkbøker nominert til Book of the year hos det engelske sjakkforbundet. Årets bok er en prestisjetung utmerkelse som deles ut årlig.
Les mer om boken her hos Bergensjakk.
Juryens begrunnelse for nominasjonen er som følger:
The Chess Saga of Fridrik Ólafsson
A tribute to the Icelandic grandmaster who, besides being strong enough to play in the 1959 Candidates tournament, is an iconic figure in his native Iceland.
An elegant attacking player the book contains 118 games many annotated by Olafsson. The book is much more than a collection of games; many writers contribute to describe his long life (87 years) and varied career, not all in chess.
A Saga indeed. An affectionate and beautiful book in every way.
Jury: Ray Edwards, Jovanka Houska, Sean Marsh | 31.08.2021